Why Partner with Bona Terra Energy?
Development of large power projects is a complicated business with many facets. Bona Terra Energy is an expert at power plant development and has learned how important honesty, integrity, and building long term lasting relationships is to the success of power projects. The project will be providing clean energy within the community for decades. We can’t do these projects without the support of landowners, community leaders, the local utility, our customers, and the regulators -- therefore, we view our relationships with these various interest groups as partnerships to build a better future.
If you have land that you think is suitable for a solar, or wind project, contact us to learn how we can:
- Provide you with additional income
- Increase your financial return on your property
- Minimize impact to your other operations, including farming
- Support sustainable energy
- Provide long term, low cost power generation for the area
Power Customers
Bona Terra Energy will provide you with a proposal at no cost or obligation to you. You may learn that our proposal would save you significant sums of money today or you may find that it provides an effective hedge to your future energy costs.
- Bona Terra Energy is founded on honesty and integrity
- We are dependable partners
- We view our customers’ success as our number one priority
- Our corporate structure allows us to provide speedy service suitable for this interconnected age